Tuesday, September 29, 2009


By now, I'm sure you've read reports or watched the video depicting the brutal beating of Chicago teen Derrion Albert.  According to a mediator at CeaseFire, a Chicago community-based effort created to decrease street violence, Derrion told CeaseFire and several of his teachers that he was being bullied by gang members and pressured to join them.  Sadly, Derrion's cry for help fell on deaf ears.  He was left to defend himself against forces that he could not conquer alone. 

I pray that Derrion's story ignites parents, teachers, community leaders, and anyone who has influence over young people to take an active stand against violence.  We need the protectors of our children and communities to step up and stand in the line of fire.  We cannot continue to allow our children to take all of the hits.  We need fathers to adjust their own moral compasses so that their sons can follow them along a path that is good and just.  We must guide our young people in the right direction, so they can lead us into the future.   We cannot continue to lose our young people to senseless violence;  We must take a stand!  

Today, I read a letter written by Nas, a multi-platinum selling rapper, encouraging young men to stop killing each other in vain.

Nas writes:
"Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong wars! Killing each other is definitely played out. Being hurt from the lost of a love one was never cool. Dear Young Warriors fighting the wrong war! I know that feeling , that frustration with life and needing to take it out on someone, any one. But….

We chose the dumbest things to go the hardest for. I remember seeing deaths over 8 ball jackets, fila’s , and name plate chains. Deaths over “he say she say”!!!!! “I’m from This block or I’m from that block”, or “my moms n pops is f*cked up now the whole world gotta pay”!!!
I remember feeling like I was the hardest “n*gga” breathin. And I couldn’t wait to prove it. But let’s think. What r we really proving?? And proving what to who?? Everybody knows Chicago breeds the strongest of the strong but I just feel, me, being ya brother from another state feels your pain as if I grew up with you in ya very own household.
You have the ability and mind power to change they way we are looked at. Look who’s watching us young warriors, look who’s throwin us in jail constantly, look at the ignorance in the world. Look at the racist dogs who love to see us down. Lovin to bury us in the ground or in jail were we continue this worthless war on one another. Young warriors…. We are WASTING more and more time. We gotta get on our jobs and take over the world. Cuz This movie left the theaters years ago, Juice, Menace, boys n the hood , blood n blood out, Belly!
When we see each other why do we see hatred? Why were we born in a storm, born soldiers, WARRIORS….and instead of building each other up we are at war with each other.. May the soul of this young person find peace with the almighty. I’m with you young warriors. You’re me and I’m you. But trust me! you are fighting the wrong war."

Source: Global Grind


If you live in the Chicago area and would like to learn more about CeaseFire, please visit www.ceasefirechicago.org


Today, I give thanks for my FAMILY, specifically, my amazing mother! She is the most loving and supportive woman I know. She encourages me when I lose focus and reassures me that I can do all things. She always makes time to listen to me when I need a friend, but offers “motherly wisdom” when I need direction. She seamlessly balances her roles as both mother and friend. She studies the things that I am interested in, so that she can participate in the activities that I enjoy. The other day, I told her I was launching a personal blog to share some of my daily thoughts and opinions with friends. She replied, “Nika, you know I don’t know how to work facebook or myspace yet.” LOL! She had no idea what a blog was or how to find mine, yet somehow she was the first person to leave a comment on my page. How could I not love her? She rocks! She anticipates my needs so I rarely have to ask her for help. Somehow, she just knows when I’m falling so she is already in place to catch me. She is a true SUPERHERO…always there to save the day. I could go on forever about how special my mother is and how I adore her. I could write volumes on how generous she is; how she sacrifices her self to give me life; how she refuses to believe that I am anything less than the best. Instead, I avow to show her daily that I love her just as much as she loves me. I will mirror her love for me in our relationship. I will listen more closely when she tells me about the happenings of her day (I will actually let her go on for FOREVER when she tells me about ‘what happened at work today.’) I will make sure that she feels my love for her; that she knows that it is because she is a QUEEN that I can proclaim that I AM A PRINCESS. I am honored to call her MOTHER.


Monday, September 28, 2009


This week, I will meditate and give thanks for all of the many blessings in my life. Oftentimes, I get so wrapped up in ‘what I wish to have’ and ‘how I would like things to be’ that I overlook the many wonderful things happening to me everyday. In my hurried pursuit of happiness and sometimes panicked quest to find the BIG purpose for life, I am oblivious to the SMALL things that truly make me happy. I forget to laugh when my dog declares war and ferociously attacks his sleeping bag. Yes, my dog has a sleeping bag, lol. I forget to smile when I see butterflies dancing about my window. What a shame! I have been forfeiting today’s blessings for an uncertain tomorrow. Well, not anymore. Each day this week, I will set aside a special time to reflect on something that I am thankful for and then share the experience on my blog. I encourage each of you to join me and share your “thankful moments” in the comments section.


Sunday, September 27, 2009


Today, I realized that I cannot expect others to understand my obsessive determination to succeed.  So, I will no longer attempt to explain or justify why I am a workaholic.  Yes, I am tired.   Of course, I am over-stressed.  Yes, I need to take a break.  Yes, I am doing waaaay to much.  But, will I stop?  NO!  Will I listen to the naysayers?  NO!  Will I believe that my goals are unattainable?  NO!  I pledge allegiance to myself and refuse to amend my personal constitution to include the thoughts and opinions of other people.  In the magical land of QUEEN NIKA, I am sovereign!  I am the supreme rulemaker who declares that any person who wishes to enter into my presence must:
1. Trust GOD always;
2. LOVE your FAMILY unconditionally;
3. Dare to DREAM;
4. NEVER give up; and
5. BELIEVE in the impossible!


Saturday, September 26, 2009

Welcome to Sincerely, Nika

...wondering where this blog will lead me...and happy you decided to come along for the ride!

