Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Today, I give thanks for my FAMILY, specifically, my amazing mother! She is the most loving and supportive woman I know. She encourages me when I lose focus and reassures me that I can do all things. She always makes time to listen to me when I need a friend, but offers “motherly wisdom” when I need direction. She seamlessly balances her roles as both mother and friend. She studies the things that I am interested in, so that she can participate in the activities that I enjoy. The other day, I told her I was launching a personal blog to share some of my daily thoughts and opinions with friends. She replied, “Nika, you know I don’t know how to work facebook or myspace yet.” LOL! She had no idea what a blog was or how to find mine, yet somehow she was the first person to leave a comment on my page. How could I not love her? She rocks! She anticipates my needs so I rarely have to ask her for help. Somehow, she just knows when I’m falling so she is already in place to catch me. She is a true SUPERHERO…always there to save the day. I could go on forever about how special my mother is and how I adore her. I could write volumes on how generous she is; how she sacrifices her self to give me life; how she refuses to believe that I am anything less than the best. Instead, I avow to show her daily that I love her just as much as she loves me. I will mirror her love for me in our relationship. I will listen more closely when she tells me about the happenings of her day (I will actually let her go on for FOREVER when she tells me about ‘what happened at work today.’) I will make sure that she feels my love for her; that she knows that it is because she is a QUEEN that I can proclaim that I AM A PRINCESS. I am honored to call her MOTHER.



  1. GOTTA LOVE DARNETTA!!!!!!!!!!!!

  2. I love you too. Does that mean that I can talk forever and ever without you saying....call me back, I have to catch the other phone.

  3. OMG Nika....I love this entry. How you feel about your mom is exactly how I feel about mine. My mother is definitely my best friend.

    Monique H.

  4. I LOVE THIS TRIBUTE TO YOUR MOM! It is my prayer that one day my girls will grow up and know how unique and special they are because of what I impart into them daily. Thanks for sharing the special bond between you and your mother; this is very inspirational.


Thanks for visiting Sincerely, Nika!