Tuesday, October 27, 2009


So, I'm sitting at my desk silently chanting my workday mantra "Divakeepittogetheryoureallyneedthisjob....Divakeepittogetheryoureallyneedthisjob" when I receive an email from Lady Chitra with a link to the fabulous shoe pictured above.  Now I know you divas are probably thinking "What the blankblank kinda shoe is that and why is Nika saying this big boat shoe is fabulous?"  (I know what you're thinking because I can feel it in my blogger veins.) Well, ladies take a closer look because the shoe is a BATHTUB!!!  Yes ma'am, its a divatub and I want one.  Call me crazy, but I want to luxuriate in the big shoe!  I want to fill the shoe with Calgon and Calgonacise...I want to make the bath & the body work in a shoe.  Divas, I know its a bit much... its waaaay over the top and then over that top, but I don't care.  I think its fabulous!  So,  If anyone asks"What does Nika want for Xmas?", you know what to say.  She wants a big shoe!

These fabulous bathtubs are created by Italian designer Massimiliano Della Monaca...to learn more about the designer and to see more of his amazing designs, visit http://www.mdmworld.eu/

1 comment:

  1. bwahahhahahha! Its a stacked shoe tub!


Thanks for visiting Sincerely, Nika!